Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Shipping Costs

  1. How much does shipping cost?
    The shipping cost varies depending on the destination country and the selected delivery type. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact price without knowing these details.

  2. How can I find out the shipping cost for my order?
    To determine the shipping cost for your order, please proceed to the checkout page on our website. Once you enter the shipping address and select the preferred delivery option, the system will calculate and display the shipping cost accordingly.

  3. Which countries do you ship to?
    We ship to a wide range of countries. During the checkout process, you will be able to select your country from the list of available options.

  4. What is the delivery time for my order?
    All orders are shipped with the Danish national carrier, PostNord. We strive to dispatch orders within 1-2 business days. The actual delivery time will depend on the destination country and the chosen delivery method.

  5. Can I track my order during shipment?
    Yes, we provide order tracking for all shipments. Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and instructions on how to track your shipment.

  6. Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
    Unfortunately, once an order is placed, we are unable to modify the shipping address. Please ensure that your shipping information is accurate before completing the purchase.

  7. What happens if I'm not available to receive the package during delivery?
    If you are not available at the time of delivery, PostNord will typically leave a notification or attempt redelivery. You may also be able to arrange for pickup at a local PostNord service point, depending on your country's specific procedures.

  8. Are there any additional customs fees or taxes for international shipments?
    Additional customs fees or taxes may apply for international shipments, depending on the destination country's regulations. Customers are responsible for any customs duties, taxes, or fees that may be incurred.

  9. How can I contact customer support for shipping-related inquiries?
    A: For any shipping-related inquiries or assistance, please contact our customer support team via this link. We are here to help and ensure a smooth shipping experience for our customers.